Management and Marketing

在大发彩票平台, you can build a foundation of practical knowledge and skills that will prepare you to succeed in the business world.

The Management and Marketing AAS program includes business and general education courses. This program is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to succeed in a variety of careers in the management and marketing fields. Curriculum includes instruction in management, marketing, research and small business planning. Emphasis is on developing skills in management decision-making, marketing literacy, 沟通, problem solving and technology.

The AAS degree is 60 credits and offered on the 学习 campus and online.

M State also offers these related degrees:

  • Business: Marketing and Sales diploma (33 credits, offered online and in Detroit Lakes and 学习)

Here is what you'll learn in the AAS degree program

  • Professional 沟通s and behavior in a business environment
  • Use of technology to meet business objectives
  • Marketing and management decision-making skills recognizing diverse perspectives
  • Critical thinking in a business environment
  • Understanding of the economic, 金融, 社会, legal and cultural forces affecting the business environment
  • Professionalism and ethical business behavior

Financial aid eligibility

Please check with the 金融 aid office by calling 877.450.3322 or emailing 金融 regarding your aid eligibility for this program.

Computer requirements

Many M State programs have specific computer requirements. Check here to see the requirements for this program.


Shawna Christie

Shawna Christie

Management and Marketing

M State helped me to realize that I could be more and has opened my eyes to what the world can offer.



Management and Marketing
My academic journey was never the easiest. I always struggled … so I didn’t know if college was for me. After being put on academic probation at three colleges, I decided that I needed a break from college and started looking for a job instead.


Management and Marketing
Thank you to M State and the magnificent staff for making my dreams come true, even if I didn’t know of those dreams at the time.

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